A 720 converted into a Fisherman's Bait: Marlin Challenge. It's actually a pretty rare game. This one is complete with side-art, marquee (over the boom box) and the fishing reel.
Have a 720 Hellcade picture? Please send it to me!
A Xenophobe converted into a 720. Xenophobe had one of the more unique dedicated cabinets, meaning this is one of the stranger 720s you'll ever see.
A converted system 2 cabinet. Actually this one was purchased by 720 fan and collector Jude "88mph" from Massachusetts. He's got a good sense of humor about it and will convert the cab back to something more appropriate.
A 720 converted to Major Havoc!!! Not a true hellcade, as its almost an honor to have this great game in a 720 cab. The conversion is actually some excellent work by Jon Raiford. Well documented at Ion Pool - Here.
Inspired by Brentradio's Hellcade.
Awful!!! Okay, this was my first 720 when received.
A 720 converted to Major Havoc!!! Not a true hellcade, as its almost an honor to have this great game in a 720 cab. The conversion is actually some excellent work by Jon Raiford. Well documented at Ion Pool - Here.
720 converted to Area 51, complete with guns. The 25" monitor must be nice for shooting games.
A 720 converted to Major Havoc!!! Not a true hellcade, as its almost an honor to have this great game in a 720 cab. The conversion is actually some excellent work by Jon Raiford. Well documented at Ion Pool - Here.
Another gun game conversion. This time, 720 to Lethal Enforcers. Again complete with 2 guns, and a marquee picture over the boom box.
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Thanks to Joe for this new addition, found on location, this former 720 looks to be another gun game, painted completely red.
This 720 from Ebay is the only one I've ever seen painted to match its surroundings. Perhaps not a true hellcade as it appears to be in great shape, but the sideart is tough to look at.
Yet another gun game conversion. This time a 720 to Police Trainer conversion found on Ebay.
The second conversion of a 720 to Lethal Enforcers to hit the 720 Zone Hellcade. Thanks to Francis for sending this one.
This 720 conversion to Clutch Hitter was found by Jedidentist at a local center with a bunch of classics. See that story here.
720 to World Class Bowling found for sale on Ebay in May 2011. Bowl or Die!!!
Thanks to Kyle for sending in this 720 converted to World Rally. Interesting to see a 720 to driver conversion.
Thanks to Kyle for sending in this 720 converted to World Rally. Interesting to see a 720 to driver conversion.
Thanks to Kyle for sending in this 720 converted to World Rally. Interesting to see a 720 to driver conversion.
Another one....
"MORTAL 720!!!"
Thanks to Kyle for sending in this 720 converted to World Rally. Interesting to see a 720 to driver conversion.
I've never heard of this gun game: Zero Point 2.
Thanks to Kyle for sending in this 720 converted to World Rally. Interesting to see a 720 to driver conversion.
So many gun game conversions. Dear Hunter USA this time.